They used to be adventurers like you, but something changed in them. Something that destroyed their lives and tore their families apart. A story that was never told--until now.


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The untold story of the guards of Skyrim

We're down to the last week of our book Kickstarter!

This comic definitely has the honour of being among the saddest things I've ever written. If you didn't know, everything Jorgen says in this comic is from the guards' stock dialog in Skyrim.

Out in the streets, the Skyrim guards always say the EXACT. SAME. THINGS. Again and again.

Is part of their guard duties? Is it a pact they all take?

Most importantly, how would it affect their home lives? Their loved ones? What if the stock dialog took over everything they loved and made it impossible for them to make a real connection?

This is how I imagine things would go down.